Navigare Necesse Est! Hop on-board – Welcome to the blog Navigare necesse est, a blog about sailing and food & drink on-board. It is about cruising among all the islands of the Baltic sea and the archipelago of Stockholm especially. The archipelago around Stockholm has over 20.000 islands and islets and it is very dear to me and it is among these I have my home harbor. About me: I, Tyra the author of this blog live on a rather small island near the town Vaxholm. I have the Coastal Skipper Certificate and this Coastal Skipper Certificate is the second level of the official Swedish nautical training courses for recreational boat drivers. I love night navigation and has an in-depth knowledge of both day and night navigation, 'close to shore' as well as offshore. The Coastal Skipper Certificate is compulsory for the sailing of boats larger than 12 x 4 meters. Our boat is not that big at all but you never know one day perhaps I really need it. Although I'm sometimes the Captain of the boat and enjoys it I think I am more than willingly to spend a lot of time down in the galley. I just love to cook and bake on-board and I'm lucky I don’t get seasick below deck as many people unfortunately do, the only problem when cooking on-board is when it is leaning too much to one side and if we are going on the wrong tack. View my profile.


Kalmarsund - The Strait of Kalmar

This post Kalmarsund -The Strait of Kalmar was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius-Lindhe in the blog Navigare necesse est!


During the "middle watch", three o'clock in the morning, it is the 28th of July. The moon is up and the sun is on its way, just a small breeze and we are sailing towards Bormholm.

In Swedish we call this watch between 00.00-04.00 the "Dog Watch" Hundvakten (it is not the same as the english dog watches 16.00-20.00)  It can be really hard to stay awake if it isn't a lot to do. This particular morning it was stunningly beautiful and it was very calm so we had the computer on deck and listened to Spotify and had a great time.

FOOD On-board

When I'm at sea it is very important for me to take some of my gardens goodies with me, flowers, berries, fruit and veggies. Oh.. and the most important all the different herbs. It is much more fun to cook with ingrediences from the garden. One of my favourite tomatoes is the beautiful heirloom Goldsman's American/Italian tomato. This time it ended up in a delicious pie in good company with peppers, feta cheese and olives.

This weeks theme on Blooming Friday is Horizon


Take a Peek into My On-Board Garden

This post Take a peek into my on-board garden has originally uploaded by Tyra in the blog Navigare necesse est the suns beams reached into my lush garden...

Don't laugh...

I know it doesn't look like much, but I can assure you it means a lot when you are out cruising.One little orchid for the eyes and two plants of basil 'Genovese' and 'Morton's basil for the kitchen.

We all survived the journey and the two Ocimum basilicum came into our home-port well trimmed.


Ps note the label - Food on board:-)


Who Can Sail Without the Wind

Who can sail without the wind - A folklore song that I grow up with, a sad and pretty melody.
Some say that it is a German song and others that it is from Åland, I don't know what is true. Perhaps anyone out there knows better.

Who can sail without the wind,

Who can row without an oar,

Who can leave behind a friend,

Without just one tear to pour?

I can sail without the wind,

I can row without an oar,

But I cannot leave a friend,

Without just one tear to pour

The Real Group sings the song in Swedish , this vocal group sings it 'a capella'

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Bornholm - Denmark

This post was originally uploaded by Tyra in the blog Navigare necesse est!

The cruise from Hanö in Sweden to Bornholm went without any difficulties, it was actually great sailing. The wind was perfect and the sea was not too rough. The sun came out and we all got a great day at sea.

This is the harbor of the little town of Gudhjem our first stop. We stopped the boat in the middle of the sea for a swim and to tidy ourself up. Fresh as lillies we arrived to Gudhjem.

Gudhjem is a very picturesque town on the northeast coast of Bornholm. Well worth a visit!


Denmark is famous for their open sandwiches so called Smørrebrød and as Bornholm is a part of Denmark we came to the right place to enjoy these delicious savory treats, we found our smørrebrød at very first restaurant we visited. The most famous smørrebrød of Gudhjem is one called 'Sol over Gudhjem'  a piece of smoked herring on rye with a raw egg yolk on top, sprinkled with salt, you may also get chopped radishes on the top and this makes it even better and more beautiful. 

Svaneke - our next stop, visited one of the famous smokehouses and had lunch...smørrebrød again this time with smoked herring, eel and prawn. Aww...they are so good.

A visit to the local brewery - Svaneke Brewery
'Worth waiting for'

I found 'my car' outside the Chololate store :-) a cream coloured Porche

I saw a lot of lovely very old houses in beautiful colours. The half-timbered house is very typical of the building style.
to be continued.../ Tyra

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I hate the Low Pressures from Poland

I know that 'hate' is a very strong word...

... but I really do hate the low pressures from Poland. It is not however fair to blame the polish for the bad weather. It is just that it comes from the south east. After a most lovely supper and wonderful evening at Krokö in the archipelago of Gryt (the east coast) We all sat outside enjoying a stunning sunset and watching how the dramatic clouds were building up in the south east…oh no here it comes one of those famous ‘Polish Low Pressures’. They are famous because they are always extremely hard to predict and then when it has arrived it takes days and days until it goes away.

as the foggy, damp and windy weather continues I let the crew stay on deck while I...

...stay down in the galley baking some nice bread.

Pie with Sardine, sweet peppers,
 Feta cheese, tomatoes, chilies and Kalamata olives.


Lazy days - Sailing the Strait of Kalmar

Lata dagar till sjöss - Här 'seglar' vi Kalmar sund, det är mest järngenuan som  får arbeta, det är absolut ingen vind alls. När vi når Borgholm kommer vinden så vi beslutar att ta en natt segling söderut.

Veronica på däck avslutandes Agnes Gray av Brontë

Mario vilade i semesterkläder, en chic överlevnadsoverall i rött :-)

Vinden har verkligen inte varit på vår sida men vi tar oss sakta söderut. Vi vilar, läser, löserkorsord, bloggar och äter god mat. Här är en bild på vår alldeles utsökta pasta. Penne med köttfärssås, örter och parmesan, riktigt gott med lite varm mat i magen. Nu i skrivandes stund ropar Veronica 'Mousch (det är jag) Din crew är hungrig!' Så nu måste jag nog sluta. Det skall bli Bruschetta med tonfisk och sedan en krämig pasta  med hemodlade tomater. 

Oj dra på trissor...är det inte solen som nästa bryter igenom. 

Hot,hot,hot - Vilket väder!

Varmt, varmt & mer varmt!

It has been so very hot weather here this summer, draft in the garden but extremely pleasant at sea. Nearly 30 degrees Celsius every day. Unfortunately I have not got my vacation during this hot period but as often I can we take the boat of for a day or two in our wonderful archipelago. After a full days work I just have to cool of my head and body so in the evenings we do some ‘jetty sailing’ and some swimming from the boat. It sure is wonderful to dive into the ‘coolish’ water it is about 20 degrees in the water and that is a nice temperature to take a swim in.


Nu är hon sjösatt

Nu äntligen är hon sjösatt och ikväll skall det mastas på. Jag tror inte det blir seglarväder i helgen...det ser pyrt ut. Osedvanligt kallt och ruggigt, vart tog våren vägen?



Jag undrar hur det är där ute i kustbandet en sådan här dag i slutet av mars? Inte är det som på bilden, solvarma klippor och knastertorra 'skärgårdsrabatter'. Jag längtar så till första seglingen, förra året hade vi en fantastisk premiersegling i maj, varmt var det också och det tillhör ju ovanligheterna förstås för värme i maj är bara en stor bonus.

Hård kryss gillar jag inte när det är kalla vårvindar då gäller det att lägga upp en smörsegling så man inte fryser 'häcken' av sig som man säger... fast det ju faktiskt inte där man fryser mest det är fingarna för min del även fast jag har testat alla handskar på marknaden så fryser jag alltid och fingrarna så i den milda grad att fingrarna blir alldeles vita.

Skepp o'hoj! / Tyra


Böljan blå

Den här bilden tog jag på min väg till jobbet och så här såg det ut förra året vid den här tiden, idag är det inte alls lika blått för att isen ligger fortfarande! Jag vill så gärna att den smälter nu så att man kan få lite vårkänslor. Hubbe har börjat pyssla nere vid båten men snön ligger fortfarande högt mellan båtarna och gubbarna där nere muttrar om att det kanske blir försening med iläggningarna, det gillar vi inte naturligtvis.

Man börja onekligen att längta. 

Ny affär till Hamngatan i Vaxholm

Nu i påsk öppnar Nautiska magasinet i Vaxholm och det tycker vi skall bli trevligt.

Skepp o'hoj / Tyra


Vaxholm - January

Everything is calm down in the harbour...

Still bitter cold, the spring and the sailing season is far far away! The otherwise busy town is taking a winter nap, resting and waiting for the sun and the come back.

Det är ett otroligt lugn i Vaxholm denna januari afton, Solöga ligger vid kaj, färjorna till Rindö är de enda båtar jag ser på havet. Hotell hörnan som vanligtvis är busy är till och med den alldeles lugn. Vaxholms Kastell på andra sidan vattnet ligger som en juvel därborta...fridfullt.


Tartofi di Cioccolata - Food on board

As I was going through photos from last summer and found this one...Mm...

and I remember the wonderful structure and taste ... Mm...


Dead easy to make, 2,5 dl double creme and 250 gr. decent dark Chocolate, I use Lindt's 75%, warm the creme and smelt the chocolate in the creme while stiring. Chill and then powder over some cocoa - enjoy!

En riktig favorit - Tartufo eller tryffel, så enkelt att göra och så nedrans gott, speciellt efter middagen när man vill ha något litet och gott.

Sea U/ Tyra